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Ghost Mannequins are a must for all catalog and e-commerse clothing companies.  Photos take less time in post production and you get great clear images including back neck labels.  Check out the wide assortment of our ghost mannequins and torsos that will save you both time and money!
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Adult & Child Ghost Display Mannequins

Are you looking for a better way to photograph clothing and accessories for catalogs and online sales? Ghost display mannequins make it easy to show how these items look when worn. Ghost mannequins for product photography use colors and surfaces that are easy to remove with a composite shot. This replaces the mannequin with the background, so all that’s left in the photo is the product. We carry both adult ghost mannequins and child ghost mannequins in several forms, from full bodies to torsos with removable arms. Add a rotating base, and you can get shots from several angles without having to move your camera.